Thursday September 19, 2024

Advisory ID: NCC-CSIRT-1114-054

Summary: Cybersecurity analysts at DCSO CyTec, discovered a new variant of StrelaStealer Malware. The malware has been aggressively collecting email account credentials from Outlook and Thunderbird, two popular email clients. 

Vulnerable Platform(s): Email

Threat Type: Malware

Description: The analyst claims that the StrelaStealer malware infects victims' systems through email attachments, currently ISO files with a variety of contents (ISO files are archive files that contains an identical copy or image of data found on an optical disc, like a CD or DVD).  Following execution, the malware searches the appropriate directory for account and password databases and takes their data to transfer to a command-and-control server. Finally, the StrelaStealer checks for a specified response, confirms that the command-and-control server has received the data, and then terminates. Otherwise, it restarts this data-theft procedure after a one-second sleep period.

Consquences:  Access email account login information

Impact: High
Probability: High


  • Use robust malware protection mechanism
  • Use a combination of personal awareness and well-designed protective tools to make your email client as secure as possible.
