Thursday September 19, 2024

Advisory ID: NCC-CSIRT-260424-008


Recent reports indicate that Brokewell malware represents a significant threat to Android devices, capable of compromising their security and exfiltrating sensitive information. It operates covertly, aiming to infiltrate devices allowing the attackers gain full control over infected devices, potentially leading to the theft of personal data, financial information, and sensitive credentials.

Threat Type(s): Malware, Remote Access Trojan (RAT)

Impact/Vulnerability: CRITICAL/HIGH

Product(s): Android OS

Platform(s): Android Devices

Version(s): All Versions


Brokewell malware employs various techniques to compromise Android devices, including phishing attacks, malicious app installations, and exploiting software vulnerabilities. Once installed, it operates stealthily in the background, evading detection by security software utilizing social engineering techniques to deceive users into downloading and installing malicious content and also allowing attackers to:

  • Execute arbitrary commands.
  • Steal sensitive data, including personal and financial information.
  • Intercept and monitor user activity and communications.
  • Record audio and capture screenshots


Thee consequence of this vulnerability includes but not limited to:

  • Theft of personal and financial information.
  • Financial losses
  • Compromise of sensitive credentials, including usernames and passwords.
  • Unauthorized access to device functions and data.
  • Potential for further malware distribution or exploitation of compromised devices in botnet operations.
  • Loss of privacy and confidentiality.


To mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability, it is highly recommended that users take the following steps.

  • Keep Software Updated: Ensure that the Android operating system, apps, and security patches are regularly updated to address known vulnerabilities and security flaws.
  • Exercise Caution: Avoid downloading apps or clicking on links from unknown or untrusted sources. Stick to official app stores like Google Play and carefully review app permissions before installation.
  • Enable Security Features: Activate built-in security features, such as Google Play Protect, to scan apps for potential threats and Verify Apps to identify potentially harmful applications.
  • Inform Users: Educate users about the risks of downloading and installing apps from unreliable sources and advise them to exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown senders.
  • Backup Data: Regularly backup important data stored on your Android device to an external drive or to cloud storage. In the event of a malware infection or data breach, having backups ensures that critical information can be restored without
